Webtember på Legacy Family Tree Webinars: Alt om slægtsforskning. Hele september.
- Af Ilan

Har du hørt om Webtember, den månedlange gratis online-slægtsforskningskonference på Legacy Family Tree Webinars?
Dedikér fredagene i september til at tage dine slægtsforskningsevner til det næste niveau! Hver fredag vil der være flere live- og forudindspillede webinarer tilgængelige på Legacy Family Tree-hjemmesiden — i alt 30 sessioner. Du kan deltage i så mange eller så få live-sessioner, som du har lyst til, og de forudindspillede sessioner vil kunne ses gratis indtil slutningen af måneden. Sessionerne dækker et væld af emner og fokusområder, fra DNA og fotoscanning til afro-latinsk herkomst i det gamle vesten til overvindelse af genealogisk angst. Vores egen Daniel Horowitz og Schelly Talalay Dardashti er blandt de imponerende række af talere.
Klik her for at tilmelde dig live-sessionerne, og besøg www.familytreewebinars.com/webtember hver fredag for at se de forudindspillede sessioner for den pågældende uge.
Her er det fulde program for Webtember:
Dato | Tid | Live/forudindspillet | Foredragsholder | Titel |
3. sep | 16:00 | Live | Geoff Rasmussen | FAN Club in Action: a Simple Case Study |
17:00 | Live | Roberta Estes | Paint Your Way Up Your Tree with MyHeritage and DNAPainter | |
18:30 | Live | Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG | America’s Turnpikes, Rivers, and Canals | |
20:00 | Live | Anita Wills | Notes and Documents of Free Persons of Color | |
Forudindspillet | Teresa Steinkamp McMillin, CG | Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of German Military Records | ||
Forudindspillet | Dr. Bruce Durie | How Can I Get a Legal Coat of Arms in Scotland? | ||
Forudindspillet | Denise May Levenick | Seventeen Secrets to Successful Scanning | ||
Forudindspillet | Mary Kircher Roddy, CG | Finding Jane Graham’s Parents: Using Clusters and Records in Three Countries | ||
10. sep | 14:00 | Live | Carol Baxter | British and Irish Given Names - Part 1 |
15:30 | Live | Daniel Horowitz | Don't Believe Everything You Read | |
17:00 | Live | Craig R. Scott, MA, CG, FUGA | The Loyalists That Stayed Behind: The Reintegration | |
18:30 | Live | DearMYRTLE and Russ Worthington | NEVER GIVE UP: 5 Strategies for Overcoming Genealogical Angst | |
Forudindspillet | Carol Baxter | British and Irish Given Names - Part 2 | ||
Forudindspillet | Debra Renard | What are the Odds? Finding Answers Using DNA Painter’s WATO Tool | ||
Forudindspillet | Schelly Talalay Dardashti | Did your Abuelita...? Seeking Jewish Heritage | ||
Forudindspillet | Melissa Barker | Diaries, Journals and Calendars: Preserving and Document Your Ancestor's Day-to-Day Life | ||
17. sep | 15:30 | Live | James Tanner | Researching Immigrants to New England in the Great Migration, 1620-1640 |
17:00 | Live | Janice Lovelace, PhD | Afro-LatinX in the Old West | |
18:30 | Live | Daniel Horowitz | Genealogy on the Go with the MyHeritage Mobile App | |
20:00 | Live | Lianne Kruger | A Toboggan Ride Through Canadian Records, eh! | |
Forudindspillet | Rebecca Koford, CG, CGL | Out of the Ballot Box: Voter Registrations & Records | ||
Forudindspillet | Marie Cappart | Beneluxury archives! How to get the best out of belgian, dutch and lux archives online | ||
Forudindspillet | Fiona Brooker | A Step Through Time(lines) | ||
24. sep | 14:00 | Live | Michelle Leonard | Inferred Matching Explained |
15:30 | Live | Thomas MacEntee | The Mysterious Death of Anna T. McPhillips | |
17:00 | Live | Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL | "Twelve Good and Lawful Men": Jury Lists in Genealogy | |
18:30 | Live | Paul Woodbury | Where Did That Come From?! Tracing the Origins of Unique Ethnicity Admixture | |
Forudindspillet | Michael L. Strauss, AG | Roosevelt's Tree Army: Researching the Civilian Conservation Corps | ||
Forudindspillet | Lisa Toth Salinas | Beginning Hungarian Genealogy | ||
Forudindspillet | Cathie Sherwood | One family, many connections: Using the FAN club in one Australian locality |